Lowongan Kerja Batam PT. Cambridge Environmental Solutions

    Lowongan Kerja Batam 08 APRIL 2020 - PT Cambridge Environmental Solutions merupakan salah satu perusahaan bergerak dibidang garment.

    Cambridge Environmental Solutions membutuhkan segera posisi:

    Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

    • Curriculum vitae
    • Copy of last certificate
    • Copy of ID card (ktp)
    • Copy of Family card (kk)
    • Photo 4x62 lembar
    • Health Medical Certificate
    • SKCK
    • Copy of NPWP
    • Copy of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
    • Copy of BPJS Kesehatan

    Qualification & Skill:
    • Minimum education Diploma /S1
    • Communication skills
    • Numerical abilities
    • Customer service
    • Leadership skills

    Duties & Responsibilities:
    • Achieve high levels of customer satisfaction through excellence in receiving, identifying, dispatching and assuring quality of goods
    • Measure and report the effectiveness of warehousing activities and employees performance
    • Organize and maintain inventory and storage area
    • Ensure shipments' and inventory transactions' accuracy
    • Communicate job expectations and coach employees
    • Determine staffing levels and assign workload
    • Maintain items record, document necessary information and utilize reports to project warehouse status
    • Identify areas of improvement and establish innovative or adjust exiisting work

    Lamaran diantar ke:

    Alamat Email Perusahaan:
    PT. Cambridge Environmental Solutions
    Tunas 2, Type 12 E, Jln Boulevard, Batam Center
    Email to : erika@cambridgemask.com
    cc : martina@cambridgemask.com

    • Lowongan sewaktu-waktu bisa ditutup apabila kuota pelamar telah terpenuhi atau posisi yang ditentukan telah terisi.
    • Agar tidak ketinggalan informasi, selalu pantau Kerjabatam.com, atau dengan cara berikut ini:
    • Langganan via email dengan cara mendaftarkan emailmu di layanan Subscribe di bagian bawah halaman loker ini. Informasi lowongan kerja di Batam akan kamu dapatkan setiap hari melalui email.