LOKER BATAM HARI INI 4 JANUARI 2025 - PT United Sindo Perkasa disingkat USP sebagai perusahaan yang menjalankan bisnis dalam bidang Industri Perkapalan di Batam.
PT United Sindo Perkasa BUTUH SEGERA:
Sejarah dan Profil PT. United Sindo Perkasa
Didirikan pada tahun 2006 PT United Sindo Perkasa merupakan anak perusahaan dari Vallianz Holdings Ltd. Vallianz mengakuisisi 99% saham PTUSP dengan nilai 19,8 juta Dolar Amerika. Akuisisi ini dilakukan oleh anak usaha Vallianz, yaitu Vallianz Shipbuilding and Engineering Pte Ltd (VSE).
Sebagai Informasi bahwa Vallianz Holdings Limited berpusat di Singapura dikenal sejak lama sebagai operator dibidang offshore support vessels (OSVS).
PT. USP memiliki fasilitas galangan kapal dengan lahan seluas 8 Ha dengan pantai sepanjang 390 meter berlokasi di Kabil, Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Fasilitas galangan kapal dilengkapi dengan fasilitas modern, dan menyediakan 4 layanan inti yaitu pembuatan kapal, fabrikasi & permesinan, berlabuh & perbaikan, fasilitas penyimpanan untuk berbagai jenis kapal.
Job Purpose:
To support and strengthen newly formed shipyard engineering team to interprets drawings and prepares HVAC plans and reports. Collaborates with Team Leader to support project design deliverables and technical aspects.
Job Purpose (1):
Shipping Administrator is responsible for processing and coordinating shipment requests and assist of any documentation needed to complete the shipments. Manage overall shipping logistics activities according to company interest.
Job Responsibilities (1):
- Handling and maintaining shipping-related documents such as bills of lading, shipping manifests, customs paperwork, and other relevant documents.
- Ensuring accuracy and completeness of documentation for compliance with shipping regulations. Coordinating with various departments within the shipyard, including logistics, warehouse, and procurement, to facilitate seamless shipping processes.
- Communicating with shipping carriers, suppliers, and other external parties to coordinate shipments and resolve any issues.
- Arranging and scheduling shipments, both incoming and outgoing, in coordination with logistics
- teams.
- Respond to inquiries and provide information regarding shipping processes and schedules. Ensure compliance with customs regulations and assist in preparing necessary customs documentation.
- Stay updated on international shipping regulations and requirements.
Job Requirements (1):
- Diploma or Degree in business administration, logistics, or a related field.
- High school or vocational school graduates with relevant experience are welcome.
- Fluent in English
- Minimum 1-year experiences in shipyard industry, preferable in the same position Excellent interpersonal, communication and good problem solving/negotiation skills. Have a strong sense of urgency, meticulous and excellent follow up skills.
- Capable of thriving under pressure and meeting tight deadlines with efficiency and composure. Excellent Microsoft Office skills, especially word and excel application.
Job Purpose (2):
Assist the Accounting department with data entry, processing and recording transactions, updating the ledger, assisting with audits, and preparing relevant reports.
Job Responsibilities (2):
- Matching invoices against supporting docs (PO/SO/DO) and process data entry into system.
- Ensure withholding taxes deducted from vendor invoices in accordance to prevailing regulations.
- Preparation of monthly account payable ageing report for payment plan process.
- Prepare SOA reconciliation.
- Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned.
Job Requirements (2):
- Diploma or Degree in Accountancy/Finance/Management
- High school or vocational school graduates with relevant experience are welcome.
- Minimum 1 years of working experience.
- Proficient in MS office applications, especially excel applications.
- Fluent in English.
- Able to communicate in Mandarin will be an added advantage.
- Knowledge of ERP system preferred.
- Able to work in fast and dynamic environment.
- Proactive, independent, take initiative and well organized.
Submit your resume through our mail:
Email: recruitment.ptusp@gmail.com
Subject Email: Job Title_Full Name)
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