Lowongan Kerja Batam PT. PCI Elektronik Internasional

    Lowongan Kerja Batam PCI Elektronik Internasional

    Lowongan Kerja Batam 23 JUNI 2020 - PT PCI Elektronik Internasional Maret 2017 adalah anak perusahaan dari PCI Limited. PCI Limited bergerak dalam bidang usaha Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) yang berpusat di Singapore.

    PCI di Batam telah menjalankan usahanya selama kurang lebih 25 tahun. Layanan kami meliputi OEM customer, offering design/manufacturing untuk telekomunikasi, office automation, industrial, otomotif dan kesehatan.

    PCI Elektronik Internasional we are looking for urgently required the following position as below:

    Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

    • At least a Bachelor's degree in Business
    • Work Objective and Scope of Responsibility
    • Co-ordinate the material planning with demand planning and production to fulfill material full kit
    • Run shortage report on weekly basis to ensure to expedite parts as required and establish delivery date Required to meet customer on time requirement.
    • Maintain material full kit for next 2 weeks to the target set is 80% and above 
    • Ensure material OTD based on committed plan
    • Escalated to MOM and Senior Manager
    • Supply Chan if unable to meet production need date
    • Will need to support NPI requirement when necessary
    • Attend conference call with customer call as necessary

    Posisi: 2. QA ENGINEER
    Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

    • Any Engineering discipline preparafly electronic Engineering
    • QA Engineering in manufacturing company dealing with PCBA for at least one year preffered 
    • Knowledge in ISO, TS, IPC
    • English communication
    • SAP experience

    Posisi: 3. DEBUG TECNICIAN
    Loker lainnya lihat di www.kerjabatam.com

    • SMK Electronica
    • Understand how to use digital Multimeter
    • Understand how to use schematic diagram/LCR mtr
    • Experience 1 year Debug Tech
    • Job Description Debug Analysis

    Please email to:

    Alamat Email Perusahaan:
    HRD PT PCI Elektronik Internasional
    Panbil Industrial Estate C1 Lot 01-02
    Muka Kuning
    Attn: Ibu Asni
    Lihat juga: Lowongan Kerja Batam PCI Elektronik Internasional 2020

    • Lowongan sewaktu-waktu bisa ditutup apabila kuota pelamar telah terpenuhi atau posisi yang ditentukan telah terisi.
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    • Langganan via email dengan cara mendaftarkan emailmu di layanan Subscribe di bagian bawah halaman loker ini. Informasi lowongan kerja di Batam akan kamu dapatkan setiap hari melalui email.