Lowongan Kerja Batam PT. Fagioli Lifting And Transportation Indonesia

Loker Batam Hari Ini Fagioli Lifting And Transportation Indonesia Lulusan SMA, SMK, DIPLOMA,SARJANA

Lowongan Kerja Batam Hari Ini 2023

Berasal dari PT. Fagioli Lifting And Transportation Indonesia khusus pendidikan minimal Lulusan Sarjana, Untuk Pria

Profil Perusahaan

PT. Fagioli Lifting And Transportation Indonesia adalah perusahaan asing asal Italia yang bergerak dalam bidang Heavy Transport dan Lifting, Logistik dan kegiatan Freight Forwarding yang telah bersertifikat Internasional.

Kegiatan Fagioli diatas juga meliputi berbagai macam industri seperti Oil & Gas, Offshore, Pembangkit Listrik, Sipil dan Industri Berat yang didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga berpengalaman


Alamat perusahaan ini Graha Pena Building 5th Floor Unit 505C Jl. Raya Batam Centre Teluk Tering Batam 29467 Indonesia


Lowongan Kerja Batam Hari Ini PT. Fagioli Lifting And Transportation Indonesia

Loker Batam 2023 Perusahaan  membutuhkan segera lulusan dengan latar belakang pendidikan Sarjana untuk mengisi dengan tawaran posisi berikut:

Department: Engineering
Reports to: Lead Engineering

The Roles:
The draughtsman will be responsible for preparing and checking both equipment drawings and engineering schematics for heavy lifting and heavy haul transportation operatio ns. All drawings produced will be kept in a drawing register to ensure that if they are required, all technical drawings and any other relevant documents will be available to the Company.

  • Make final sketch of proposal drawing, checking to make sure all requirements are complete according to the client's needs
  • or the input received.
  • Update current prints, develop new prints, updates BOM's and assists in the engineering management of change process.
  • Utilize knowledge of various equipment, engineering practices, mathematics, and other physical sciences to complete
  • drawings.
  • Create model designs from sketches and adjust or make changes as necessary.
  • Desired Qualifications:
  • Bachelor s degree in Engineering or equivalent business experience
  • At least 5 years of work experience as draftsman
  • Excellent knowledge of English language (Indonesian a plus)
  • Experience in AutoCAD (2D and 3D, Inventor is a plus)
  • Experience in Microsoft Office (especially Microsoft Excel)
  • Experience in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
  • Previous experience in a Heavy Lifting and Transport industry and/or the fabrication of steel structures.
  • Previous experience in Technical document Controlling
  • Ability to read and understand drawings and specifications.
  • The ability to create design concepts and contin ue the development through all design phases.
  • Must be able to work well in a design team environment and with senior management
  • Positive Attitude
  • Time management and organizational skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • .Strong computer skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs including Microsoft Project
Desired Experience:
  • Analyze and assess technical drawings, engineering specifications, engineering inputs / outputs.
  • Able to organize engineering documents in the correct Company System to ensure trace abilty.
  • Problem solving skills to be able to overcome tech nically adversity (thinking outside of the box).
  • Accuracy in work execution, extreme attention to detail.
  • Able to analyze and assess Project requirements ensuring full compliance.
  • Active participation with Technical Queries, abillity to manage all relevant deviations.
  • Able to propose cost effective solutions th roughout the intended project lifecycle.
  • Preparation of drawings to achieve approval from Cient or any other Third Parties.
  • Able to communicate cohe rently with Client and all associated third Parties.
  • Able to create design concepts and further develop through all design phases (both 2D and 3D).
  • Able to work well in a team with minimum supervision by senior management.
  • Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
  • Time management and organizational skills.
  • Dositive Attitude.

Cara Melamar Kerja

Jika kamu tertarik dan ingin sekali bergabung dengan perusahaan ini, langsung saja kirimkan CV terbaru ke email dibawah ini:

email subject: DRAFTSMAN - your full name
Deadline of application is February 25th, 2023


  1. Info Loker yang terbit di website Kerjabatam.com diambil dari berbagai sumber media LOKER yang ada seperti Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Koran dan media-media lainnya.
  2. Seminimal mungkin Admin memposting LOKER yang bersifat PENIPUAN karena sebelum dipublish sudah difilter untuk menghidari oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan hanya ingin memanfaatkan kesempatan yang dapat merugikan Teman-teman semua.
  3. Hal yang Terpenting adalah Bijak dalam melihat Loker yang ada di website Kerjabatam.com, seperti Loker yang sudah Kadaluwarsa (Lewat waktu / Sudah Tutup). Karenanya Loker yang sudah lewat dari 7 Hari atau maksimal 2 Minggu dari tanggal Posting untuk diabaikan karena kemungkinan besar Loker sudah ditutup / kadaluwarsa oleh perusahaan. Kecuali dalam postingan terdapat tanggal deadline/batas waktu pengiriman yang Admin tulis dan teman-teman bisa merujuk itu.
  4. Jika ada pertanyaan, teman-teman dapat bergabung di Group Telegram Lowongan Kerja 2025 dengan cara klik link berikut: