LOKER BATAM HARI INI 21 NOVEMBER 2024 - PT. VOLEX Indonesia adalah perusahaan manufaktur semiconduktor, komponen elektronik, kabel dan berpusat di Inggris.
Sejarah Perusahaan
Sejarah nama Volex dimulai pada tahun 1989 ketika keluarga Goldstone tidak menjadi Dewan direksi lagi untuk kemudian mengubah nama perusahaan menjadi Volex Group plc kemudian disederhakan menjadi Volex plc.
Untuk menjangkau pasaran global Volex plc membuka cabangnya di Indonesia. Pada tahun 1992 berdiri PT. Volex Indonesia sebagai cabang dari negara asalnya Inggris.
Job Description (posisi 1):
- Supervise IQC/IPQC/OQC
- Supervise Pre-Shipment Inspection Activities
- Supervise First Article/Sample Inspection Activities
- Monitor implementation of Corrective action in the line.
- Check and verified IPQC & OQA Report.
- Guide and advise inspector/trainers in doing their job as per QA procedure.
- Monthly reporting of IQA/OQA/Per-Shipment/Sample inspection/Training performance to QA Manager
REQUIREMENTS (posisi 1):
- Min. D3 in Electrical/Electronic / Industrial Engineering
- Experience 1-3 years in the same function
- Familiar with
- Good leadership & communication skill
- Fluent in English
- Computer literate MS excel, word, Power Point
Job Description (posisi 2):
- Conducts in-process checks on all workstation at stipulated time that the Production Operators.
- Issue PDR report if non-conformance found
- Conduct Buy Off and FAI properly on all workstation
- Reports to Supervisor on discrepancies found on processes and issue Process Discrepancy reports to production
- Updates and files all inspection records neatly and timely 6. Follow-up on Correctives actions on Processes as instructed by Supervisor
REQUIREMENTS (posisi 2):
- Min. Senior High School
- Experience 1-3 years in the same function
- Can operate measuring equipment (caliper, micro, smart scoop, measuring tape, steel ruler)
- Able to read Drawing
- Willing to work in shift
Submit your CV to email:
Email: recruitment.batam@volex.com
only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
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